Organic Mango vs. Conventional Mango: Which is Better?

Organic Mango vs. Conventional Mango: Which is Better?

During my health coaching sessions many people ask me about mangos including which is better, organic mango vs conventional? Organic mangos are better because they are grown without fertilizers, pesticides, or fungicides. However, conventional mangos remain an excellent alternative because they have thick, fleshy skin and a hefty percentage of them have no pesticide residues. This…

22 Best Anti-Aging Fruits for Looking & Feeling Younger

22 Best Anti-Aging Fruits for Looking & Feeling Younger

What are the best anti-aging fruits? The following is the best anti-aging fruits that contain plenty of nutrients, few calories and proven by science to benefit your health: As a Certified Health Coach many people ask me about healthy fruits. In this article we’ll examine some of the best anti-aging fruits on the market. Many…

Organic Flaxseed vs. Non-Organic Flaxseed: Which is Better?

Organic Flaxseed vs. Non-Organic Flaxseed: Which is Better?

According to the Flax Council of Canada, organic and non-organic flaxseeds may not be as different as you think. This may steer you to examine which is better, organic flaxseed vs. non-organic? Organic flaxseed is better than non-organic because of the lack of pesticides and harmful chemicals. While organic flaxseeds are the safer of the…

Organic Bananas vs. Regular Bananas: Which is Better?

Organic Bananas vs. Regular Bananas: Which is Better?

When discussing bananas one of the common questions is, are organic bananas better than regular bananas? Organic bananas are better than regular bananas because of the lack of pesticides and harmful chemicals. In addition, organic bananas retain a higher level of nutrients, like antioxidants. However, regular bananas represent an excellent alternative because they’re affordable, nutritious…

The Complete Guide To Freezing Mushrooms

The Complete Guide To Freezing Mushrooms

As a Certified Health Coach I get asked all the time about storing vegetables like mushrooms. When it comes to this vegetable, you may ask yourself, can I freeze mushrooms? Mushrooms may be frozen to prolong their shelf life and reduce food waste. Mushrooms can be frozen raw, whole or trimmed and placed into airtight freezer…

Can You Store Avocados and Oranges Together?

Can You Store Avocados and Oranges Together?

Let’s take a close look about storing avocados and oranges together. Avocados and oranges can be stored together. Fruits producing ethylene should not be stored with those sensitive to ethylene. Since oranges are not sensitive to the ethylene gas that avocados produce, they can be stored together. In addition, oranges do not produce damaging ethylene gas,…

Worms in Your Farm-Raised Salmon? Facts & Myths Revealed

Worms in Your Farm-Raised Salmon? Facts & Myths Revealed

As a Certified Health Coach many people ask about salmon including, can farm-raised salmon have worms? Farm-raised Salmon can have worms and the most common are called herring worms. All farm-raised and wild-caught fish can carry worms, regardless of their species. You shouldn’t be overly concerned about it, but you should be aware and know…

Organic Lentils vs. Conventional Lentils: Which is Better?

Organic Lentils vs. Conventional Lentils: Which is Better?

When choosing lentils, you’ll want to decide which is better and make the comparison, organic lentils vs. conventional. Organic lentils are better than conventional lentils because they are untreated with synthetic pesticides. Conventional lentils are often sprayed with chemicals like glyphosate (RoundUp), which may be harmful to human health. Glyphosate has been linked to numerous…

Can You Store Eggs in Tupperware?

Can You Store Eggs in Tupperware?

You probably have these containers already and are asking the question, can you store eggs in Tupperware? Eggs can be kept in Tupperware if they are stored in the freezer. Freezing eggs is a brilliant way to prevent contamination from foreign flavors and keep eggs fresh for months. Lidded Tupperware provides an airtight environment preventing…

Can You Store Blueberries in Tupperware?

Can You Store Blueberries in Tupperware?

Blueberries have a reputation of going bad quickly, especially if stored incorrectly. This leads to the question, can you store blueberries in Tupperware? Blueberries can be stored in Tupperware, but only if the plastic container is stored inside the fridge. To remain fresh, blueberries need above average air circulation. Therefore, place blueberries in breathable or…

Free-Range Chicken vs. Grain-Fed Chicken: Which is Better?

Free-Range Chicken vs. Grain-Fed Chicken: Which is Better?

Two common labels found on chicken products is free-range or grain-fed, which one is better? Free-range chicken is better and can be healthier if raised properly. Since they mostly live outdoors, they can graze on grass or insects on top of their feed. The majority of chickens are grain-fed with assorted grains and either an…

Organic Spinach vs. Regular Spinach: What’s the Difference?

Organic Spinach vs. Regular Spinach: What’s the Difference?

As a Certified Health Coach many people ask me about the difference between organic and regular spinach. Organic spinach is produced using farming methods that promote and protect the environment, recycle resources, and limit the use of pesticides and fertilizers. In general, spinach is very healthy, but regular spinach ranks high in the list of…

How to Store Sweet Potatoes for the Winter: The Complete Guide

How to Store Sweet Potatoes for the Winter: The Complete Guide

There are some key tips you need to know when you are storing sweet potatoes for the winter. To store sweet potatoes for the winter, you need to buy or grow quality sweet potatoes, get rid of any rotten ones, pick a suitable container, and keep your potatoes in the dark. You need to ensure…

Is Organic Chicken Free Range?

Is Organic Chicken Free Range?

Organic and free-range are popular terms we see in labels, but does organic mean free-range when it comes to chicken? Organic chicken doesn’t mean it’s free-range. Organic refers to the raising standards for chickens where no synthetic chemicals are used, while free-range refers to their access to the outdoors. From a regulatory perspective, chickens need…

How to Choose Good Blueberries: The Complete Guide

How to Choose Good Blueberries: The Complete Guide

Whether you’re at the local nursery or the supermarket you’ll want to know, how to choose good blueberries? To choose good blueberries in the store for direct consumption, look for non-wrinkled and decent-sized options that still has their bloom intact. When choosing blueberries for planting, pick the right varieties for your region and look for…

How to Store Cod Fish: The Complete Guide

How to Store Cod Fish: The Complete Guide

If you have managed to find a fresh piece of cod, you might be wondering how to store it safely. To store cod fish, you can use five methods: freezing, salt curing, pickling, smoking, and canning. Ensure that your cooking temperatures are over 240°F (115.55°C) when canning and 180°F (82.22°C) when smoking. Pickling solutions must…

Pomegranate or Beet Juice: An in-depth Comparison

Pomegranate or Beet Juice: An in-depth Comparison

As a Certified Health Coach many of my clients ask about pomegranate and beet juice. One of the questions asked is, how do they compare? Both Pomegranate and Beet juice are known to help with blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. Beetroot produces Nitric Oxide which has multiple benefits for people. This includes lower blood…

Can You Store Tomatoes With Onions?

Can You Store Tomatoes With Onions?

Two of the common fresh produce items are tomatoes and onions. Therefore, many people wonder if you could store them together. Tomatoes and onions should be stored separately. While both are to be kept in a cool and dry place and should not be refrigerated, each has its own specific storage recommendations. Storing tomatoes and…

Can You Store Strawberries and Blackberries Together?

Can You Store Strawberries and Blackberries Together?

Blackberries and strawberries are some of the most commonly bought berries from the supermarket. But just because they are berries, can they be stored together? Strawberries and blackberries should not be stored together. Strawberries keep well in slightly moist places, while blackberries must be stored in a dry place. Unless you store them using a…

Do Organic Blueberries Have Worms?

Do Organic Blueberries Have Worms?

Many people tend to worry whether organically grown blueberries could have worms. Organic blueberries may have worms. These pests are the larvae of blueberry flies. Blueberry flies prefer laying eggs inside the berries that later hatch into larvae, also known as worms or maggots. They can potentially devastate all berries. However, there are ways to…

Can You Store Tomatoes With Fruit?

Can You Store Tomatoes With Fruit?

Tomatoes also have a reputation of going bad quickly, especially when stored with other fruits. You can store tomatoes with fruits, but it is advisable to store them alone, especially if you don’t want to fasten the ripening process. Tomatoes, similar to fruits like mangoes, apples, bananas, avocados, and peaches tend to produce ethylene, a…

5 Best Alternatives for Spinach When Cooking

5 Best Alternatives for Spinach When Cooking

Sometimes, people are forced to choose alternatives for spinach when cooking. As a Certified Health Coach, I’ve identified five of the best. The best alternatives for spinach when cooking include kale, swiss chard, arugula, romaine lettuce, and escarole. These alternatives have similar nutrients to spinach like vitamin A, K, iron, and calcium. Many vegetables can…

21 Best Anti-Aging Vegetables for a Healthier You

21 Best Anti-Aging Vegetables for a Healthier You

As a Certified Health Coach many of my clients ask about the healthiest vegetables to consume.  The best anti-aging vegetables for health and youthfulness are ones that contain the largest amount and variety of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals like broccoli, kale, and spinach. Enjoying a diet high in many of these vegetables can help…

Can You Store Blueberries and Strawberries Together?

Can You Store Blueberries and Strawberries Together?

If you have multiple types of berries in your refrigerator, say blueberries and strawberries, you might be wondering if you can store them together. You can store blueberries and strawberries together in a large, specialized container that has a paper towel at the bottom. Before storing these berries together, you should be giving them a…

Frozen Salmon vs. Canned Salmon: Which is Healthier?

Frozen Salmon vs. Canned Salmon: Which is Healthier?

Many of my Health Coaching clients ask me about healthy foods including salmon. They know I eat it a few times per week. There seems to be a lot of contradictory information regarding the nutritional value of canned versus frozen products like salmon. Canned and frozen salmon are equally healthy. Canned and frozen salmon have…

5 Best Alternatives for Pomegranate in Salad

5 Best Alternatives for Pomegranate in Salad

As a Certified Health Coach I’ve learned some people can’t eat pomegranate due to various reasons. The only solution is to get an alternative source of nutrients and flavor.  The best alternatives for pomegranate in salad include lemon, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and dried barberries. Like pomegranate, these alternatives are tasty, have as much nutritional value as…

10 Best Alternatives for Avocado in Sushi

10 Best Alternatives for Avocado in Sushi

During my health coaching sessions many people ask me about substituting certain foods like avocado. Fortunately, there are some avocado alternatives in sushi. The best alternatives for avocado in sushi include cucumber, hummus, garlic paste, cashew butter, salmon, edamame, eggs and pesto. More unique potential substitutes to consider include broccoli and chia seeds.  This article…