How To Prevent Garlic Powder From Clumping and Getting Hard

How To Prevent Garlic Powder From Clumping and Getting Hard

Garlic powder seems to clump and harden up easily. As a Certified Health Coach, I conduct pantry makeovers which sometimes includes food storage. This is a topic I discuss. Have you wondered how to prevent garlic powder from clumping and getting hard?  4 easy steps to prevent garlic powder from getting hard: In this article,…

Farm Raised Salmon Compared To Wild Caught Salmon

Farm Raised Salmon Compared To Wild Caught Salmon

You may be tempted to buy the lowest price salmon and may have wondered about farm-raised salmon compared to wild-caught. Farm-raised salmon is bred and controlled by salmon farmers in an enclosed environment while wild-caught salmon is caught in their natural habitat and raised with no human interference. Wild caught contains less fat and fatty…

This is the Difference Between Organic and Regular Bananas

This is the Difference Between Organic and Regular Bananas

Many people assume there is little difference between organic and non-organic bananas. With such a thick skin, you peel off and discard, the tender fruit inside is protected from such offensive chemicals. Or is it? What is the difference between organic and regular bananas? Organic certified bananas mean the bananas were genetically unmodified. They weren’t sprayed with…

A Guide To Farm Raised Salmon – Is It Organic?

A Guide To Farm Raised Salmon – Is It Organic?

More and more people are trying to find the healthiest and best ways of consuming essential food like salmon. Therefore, In this article, we’ll be answering the question: Can farm-raised salmon be organic? Farm-raised salmon cannot be organic. The United States Department of Agriculture currently provides no classification for what makes salmon organic. Outside the…

Can Mushrooms Be Eaten Raw? A Scientific Look

Can Mushrooms Be Eaten Raw? A Scientific Look

I think the following question about mushrooms is worth looking into, can mushrooms be eaten raw? Most button mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms and white mushrooms are all relatively safe to eat raw. In fact, you can discover them being served raw in many salads and in some of the most formal restaurants. In this article, we’re…

This Is How Long You Can Keep Fresh Asparagus

This Is How Long You Can Keep Fresh Asparagus

Preventing asparagus from going bad is ideal so they’re available to you whenever you want. Therefore, I’ll examine how long can you keep fresh asparagus. In addition, how to freeze it. You can keep asparagus fresh for about one week if they are stored properly in the refrigerator. Storing them straight up, with the bottoms…

Will Strawberries Ripen On The Counter?

Will Strawberries Ripen On The Counter?

After bringing strawberries home you found out it was hard and tasted terrible. Unsure what to do you may asking yourself, will strawberries ripen on the counter? Strawberries will not ripen on the counter because when they are picked the ripening process stops. Strawberries are a non-climacteric fruit which means when they are harvested and…

Is It Better To Eat Broccoli Raw Or Cooked?

Is It Better To Eat Broccoli Raw Or Cooked?

With the various ways you can consume broccoli, one question is whether it is better to eat raw broccoli or cooked? It’s better to eat broccoli raw or slightly cooked. The vitamins and minerals in broccoli are decreased or destroyed when exposed to cooking heat for lengths of time. Keeping broccoli out of water while slightly…

How Do You Know When Mushrooms Are Bad?

How Do You Know When Mushrooms Are Bad?

It often happens that mushrooms in your fridge become slimy quickly. You’d rather find a way to use them, but how do you know when mushrooms are bad? When mushrooms are slimy, it means they are turning bad. Slimy mushrooms means they have bacteria or fungi growing on them. These microorganisms are causing the mushroom…

Can Pomegranate Increase Weight? Facts And Myths Revealed

Can Pomegranate Increase Weight? Facts And Myths Revealed

I consume some form of the fruit, sometimes pomegranate, everyday. Therefore, you may be wondering, can pomegranates increase weight? Pomegranates will not increase weight if consumed in moderation. Pomegranates are healthy and can help reduce weight if added to your nutrition. Like all food and drinks, pomegranates can increase weight if too much of it…

5 Strawberries That Have The Best Taste

5 Strawberries That Have The Best Taste

Knowing you can purchase diverse strawberry varieties, you might be asking yourself a few questions like, which strawberries taste the best? The best tasting strawberry is the Earliglow strawberry. Other great tasting strawberries include Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Jewel and Seascape. These are the best tasting strawberries because of their flavor, texture and aroma. This article will…

This Is What You Can Do With Lots Of Kiwis

This Is What You Can Do With Lots Of Kiwis

Let’s examine what can you do with lots of kiwis. A few specific recipes are the most popular use when bulk quantities of kiwi fruit are available, including bread, desserts and smoothies. However, recipes that make foods acceptable for long-term storage make the most sense. Various recipes call for many kiwis to allow for a…

Organic Broccoli – Here’s What You NEED To Know

Organic Broccoli – Here’s What You NEED To Know

Many people consider broccoli an essential part of their diet. When considering which broccoli to purchase, should broccoli be organic? Broccoli should be organic because it’s untreated with synthetic pesticides. Between 2006 and 2011, the USDA inspected broccoli and found 60% contained the insecticide imidacloprid. This article will take a more in-depth look at the…

Here’s What To Do With Unripe Pomegranates

Here’s What To Do With Unripe Pomegranates

As a Certified Health Coach I get many questions about pomegranates. One of the most common is, what to do with unripe pomegranates? Unripe pomegranates can be used in many food dishes, drinks and recipes. Unripe pomegranates can be used to produce pomegranate juice, fruit salads, smoothies, baked dishes and added to other food. This…

Pomegranate Ripening And Storage Guide

Pomegranate Ripening And Storage Guide

As a Certified Health Coach many people ask me about pomegranate ripeness and storage. Therefore, when picking one at the market you’ll need to know, will pomegranate ripen after picking? Pomegranate fruit does not ripen after picking because a non-climacteric fruit. Non-climacteric fruits cannot ripen after its picked. A pomegranate must remain on the plant until the…

A Guide To Storing Asparagus The Proper Way

A Guide To Storing Asparagus The Proper Way

Asparagus is not only fast to prepare, it also turns bad fast if not stored properly. Therefore, how do you store asparagus? Asparagus should be stored in the refrigerator. The asparagus should be standing upright in a jar with its cut lower spears soaking in water. Follow these four steps: In this guide, we’ll explain the…

Food Storage Bags Vs. Freezer Bags – What You Need To Know

Food Storage Bags Vs. Freezer Bags – What You Need To Know

Have you ever stood there bewildered at the supermarket’s food storage and food freezer bags section, wondering what on Earth the difference is? Well, we were wondering too, so we took it to the task to find out. The difference between food storage bags vs. freezer bags lies in the thickness of the polyethylene plastic and…

This Is How To Store Strawberries For Best Results

This Is How To Store Strawberries For Best Results

Storing strawberries for the best results is essential. Therefore, how to store strawberries?  The best way to store strawberries is by keeping them dry and either cold or frozen. For short-term storage strawberries are kept in the refrigerator and a ventilated container. For long-term storage strawberries are kept in the freezer and a sealed bag….

How to Store Balsamic Vinegar: Should You Refrigerate It?

How to Store Balsamic Vinegar: Should You Refrigerate It?

You may think it’s good to store balsamic vinegar in the refrigerator as we do with everything else that needs preserving. Some research says that may not be such a clever idea. Therefore, how to store balsamic vinegar? Balsamic vinegar should not be refrigerated. The cold in the refrigerator alters the flavor and taste of…

Pomegranate Ripe? Here’s How To Tell (And A Few Tips)

Pomegranate Ripe? Here’s How To Tell (And A Few Tips)

Pomegranates are one of those fruits that can be very tricky to determine when they are ripe. The standard methods for checking whether a fruit is ripe don’t necessarily consistently apply to pomegranates. Therefore, how can you tell when a pomegranate is ripe? A pomegranate is ripe when there is no more green coloring, has…

Farm Raised or Wild Caught Shrimp – Which Is Best?

Farm Raised or Wild Caught Shrimp – Which Is Best?

With such an enormous range of possibilities when cooking with shrimp there is one question often asked: which is better, farm raised or wild caught shrimp? Wild caught shrimp is better than farm raised shrimp. Wild caught shrimp is safer because its regulated to ensure product safety for customers and preserving the environment. Farm raised…

Ceylon Vs Cassia Cinnamon: Which is Better?

Ceylon Vs Cassia Cinnamon: Which is Better?

They are two of the most common types of cinnamon, the only remaining question is, which is better, Ceylon vs. Cassia cinnamon? Ceylon cinnamon is better than cassia because it contains many various layers of the bark making the taste richer and texture softer. Ceylon cinnamon is equally recognized for possessing fewer levels of cinnamaldehyde,…

A Guide To Pomegranate Juice Storage And Shelf Life

A Guide To Pomegranate Juice Storage And Shelf Life

If you buy more than one bottle or don’t drink yours fast enough, you may be asking, can pomegranate juice go bad? Pomegranate juice can go bad. How long it takes to go bad depends on the packaging, brand or freshly juiced. Fresh pomegranate juice will last for three days in the refrigerator. If unopened,…

A Guide To Ripening And Storing Strawberries

A Guide To Ripening And Storing Strawberries

Let’s examine the ripening and storing of strawberries and answer, will strawberries ripen on the counter? Strawberries will not ripen on the counter. Once a strawberry is harvested, it will not continue ripening. Some fruits, like strawberries, can only ripen while still attached to the plant. After a strawberry is picked, it will remain at…