This Is How Much Kale You Should Eat Per Day

This Is How Much Kale You Should Eat Per Day

During my Health Coaching Sessions clients often bring up kale. Since it’s beneficial, many people may want to eat more of it. This may lead you to wonder, how much kale should you eat per day? The USDA recommendation for dark green vegetables, including kale, is consuming 1 1/2 cups per week based on a…

Baking with Frozen Blueberries – Thaw First?

Baking with Frozen Blueberries – Thaw First?

Baking with frozen blueberries, you can cook pies, cakes and muffins. But the question begs itself, should you thaw frozen blueberries before baking? You should thaw blueberries when preparing pancakes, waffles or anything with a short baking time. For things that need a longer baking time in the oven, like muffins and pies, you can…

How Many Calories in Celery? Is it Negative?

How Many Calories in Celery? Is it Negative?

Searching for foods with “negative calories” is a common strategy to lose weight. Of all the supposed “negative calorie” foods, celery is probably the most well-known. When discussing how many calories in celery, does it really have negative calories? Celery doesn’t have negative calories although it contains very few. One raw medium celery stalk contains…

Are Asparagus Berries Edible?

Are Asparagus Berries Edible?

Let’s take a close look at if asparagus berries are edible. Asparagus berries are not edible. They are toxic because they contain a toxic steroid compound called sapogenins. If eaten, asparagus berries can cause digestive issues, abdominal pain or vomiting. In addition to humans, they can cause similar issues with your dog or cat. This…

A Guide To Farm Raised Salmon – Is It Organic?

A Guide To Farm Raised Salmon – Is It Organic?

More and more people are trying to find the healthiest and best ways of consuming essential food like salmon. Therefore, In this article, we’ll be answering the question: Can farm-raised salmon be organic? Farm-raised salmon cannot be organic. The United States Department of Agriculture currently provides no classification for what makes salmon organic. Outside the…

Can Mushrooms Be Eaten Raw? A Scientific Look

Can Mushrooms Be Eaten Raw? A Scientific Look

I think the following question about mushrooms is worth looking into, can mushrooms be eaten raw? Most button mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms and white mushrooms are all relatively safe to eat raw. In fact, you can discover them being served raw in many salads and in some of the most formal restaurants. In this article, we’re…

Is It Better To Eat Broccoli Raw Or Cooked?

Is It Better To Eat Broccoli Raw Or Cooked?

With the various ways you can consume broccoli, one question is whether it is better to eat raw broccoli or cooked? It’s better to eat broccoli raw or slightly cooked. The vitamins and minerals in broccoli are decreased or destroyed when exposed to cooking heat for lengths of time. Keeping broccoli out of water while slightly…

Can Pomegranate Increase Weight? Facts And Myths Revealed

Can Pomegranate Increase Weight? Facts And Myths Revealed

I consume some form of the fruit, sometimes pomegranate, everyday. Therefore, you may be wondering, can pomegranates increase weight? Pomegranates will not increase weight if consumed in moderation. Pomegranates are healthy and can help reduce weight if added to your nutrition. Like all food and drinks, pomegranates can increase weight if too much of it…

5 Strawberries That Have The Best Taste

5 Strawberries That Have The Best Taste

Knowing you can purchase diverse strawberry varieties, you might be asking yourself a few questions like, which strawberries taste the best? The best tasting strawberry is the Earliglow strawberry. Other great tasting strawberries include Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Jewel and Seascape. These are the best tasting strawberries because of their flavor, texture and aroma. This article will…

This Is What You Can Do With Lots Of Kiwis

This Is What You Can Do With Lots Of Kiwis

Let’s examine what can you do with lots of kiwis. A few specific recipes are the most popular use when bulk quantities of kiwi fruit are available, including bread, desserts and smoothies. However, recipes that make foods acceptable for long-term storage make the most sense. Various recipes call for many kiwis to allow for a…

Here’s What To Do With Unripe Pomegranates

Here’s What To Do With Unripe Pomegranates

As a Certified Health Coach I get many questions about pomegranates. One of the most common is, what to do with unripe pomegranates? Unripe pomegranates can be used in many food dishes, drinks and recipes. Unripe pomegranates can be used to produce pomegranate juice, fruit salads, smoothies, baked dishes and added to other food. This…

A Guide To the Different Types of Blueberry And Plants

A Guide To the Different Types of Blueberry And Plants

When deciding what types of blueberry to use you may ask, what types of blueberry plants are the sweetest? The sweetest blueberries are ones that come off the Northern or Southern Highbush. These blueberries are from the Eastern coast of the United States. The second sweetest blueberries are the legacy blueberries grown in the Northeast…

Benefits of Spinach

Benefits of Spinach

Many believe that “superfoods” like spinach can also slow down the aging process naturally. So, what are the benefits of spinach? The nutritional value of spinach may help contribute to anti-aging health benefits. Spinach contains a significant percentage of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and B6. Many of the nutrients have been proven in scientific…

How to Forage Black Walnuts: The Complete Guide

How to Forage Black Walnuts: The Complete Guide

Finding good black walnuts in stores is difficult, but finding them in the woods can be easy. So you’ll want to know, how to forage black walnuts. To forage black walnuts, you’ll have to travel to the midwest USA. The nuts grow on trees at the edges of forests. Walk along these areas starting in…

Will Mango Make You Fat? Mango Myths & Facts Revealed

Will Mango Make You Fat? Mango Myths & Facts Revealed

A mango will not make you fat because it contains roughly 120 to 180 calories per mango depending on its size. Although mangoes contain a lot of sugar, it’s natural and not the unhealthy added sugars found in processed foods.  If mango is consumed in moderation, it will not solely make you gain weight. If…

These Are the Mushrooms With the Most Protein

These Are the Mushrooms With the Most Protein

You may want to know; which mushrooms have the most protein?  The following are the mushrooms with the most protein per 100 gram serving: Mushrooms are not considered a high protein food source. Most of them contain between 4 to 7 percent of the daily recommended value (DV). If you’re trying to add additional protein…

22 Best Anti-Aging Fruits for Looking & Feeling Younger

22 Best Anti-Aging Fruits for Looking & Feeling Younger

What are the best anti-aging fruits? The following is the best anti-aging fruits that contain plenty of nutrients, few calories and proven by science to benefit your health: As a Certified Health Coach many people ask me about healthy fruits. In this article we’ll examine some of the best anti-aging fruits on the market. Many…

Worms in Your Farm-Raised Salmon? Facts & Myths Revealed

Worms in Your Farm-Raised Salmon? Facts & Myths Revealed

As a Certified Health Coach many people ask about salmon including, can farm-raised salmon have worms? Farm-raised Salmon can have worms and the most common are called herring worms. All farm-raised and wild-caught fish can carry worms, regardless of their species. You shouldn’t be overly concerned about it, but you should be aware and know…

How to Choose Good Blueberries: The Complete Guide

How to Choose Good Blueberries: The Complete Guide

Whether you’re at the local nursery or the supermarket you’ll want to know, how to choose good blueberries? To choose good blueberries in the store for direct consumption, look for non-wrinkled and decent-sized options that still has their bloom intact. When choosing blueberries for planting, pick the right varieties for your region and look for…

Do Organic Blueberries Have Worms?

Do Organic Blueberries Have Worms?

Many people tend to worry whether organically grown blueberries could have worms. Organic blueberries may have worms. These pests are the larvae of blueberry flies. Blueberry flies prefer laying eggs inside the berries that later hatch into larvae, also known as worms or maggots. They can potentially devastate all berries. However, there are ways to…

21 Best Anti-Aging Vegetables for a Healthier You

21 Best Anti-Aging Vegetables for a Healthier You

As a Certified Health Coach many of my clients ask about the healthiest vegetables to consume.  The best anti-aging vegetables for health and youthfulness are ones that contain the largest amount and variety of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals like broccoli, kale, and spinach. Enjoying a diet high in many of these vegetables can help…