Organic Onions vs. Regular Onions: What’s the Difference?

Organic Onions vs. Regular Onions: What’s the Difference?

Many people wonder about the differences between organic onions vs. regular onions. The key difference between organic onions and regular onions is the way they are grown. Organic onions are produced without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Organic onions are more costly than regular because the way they are grown. Organic onions were tested and found…

Organic Kale vs. Regular Kale: What’s the Difference?

Organic Kale vs. Regular Kale: What’s the Difference?

While discussing regular kale and organic kale, you may be asking yourself, what’s the difference between organic kale and regular kale? Organic kale and regular kale are different because organic kale has less pesticide residue. Regular kale placed third on the Environmental Work Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list because of its high pesticide levels. Organic and…

Farm-Raised Vs Wild Caught Scallops: Which Seafood is Best?

Farm-Raised Vs Wild Caught Scallops: Which Seafood is Best?

Which is best, farm-raised vs wild caught Scallops? Wild caught scallops are better than farm-raised scallops because they have better taste and texture. Although farm-raised scallops are a good alternative because for health, nutrition and safety, both versions are similar and have equal benefits. Farm-raised are more environmentally safe because it prevents the decimation of…

Organic Carrots vs. Regular Carrots: What’s the Difference?

Organic Carrots vs. Regular Carrots: What’s the Difference?

There are some differences between organic and regular carrots. Organic carrots compared to regular have higher levels of iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. They also contain fewer nitrates than regular, which are unharmful to adults but are potentially harmful to babies. Organic carrots are more expensive than regular, however, and are susceptible to more natural variations…

Organic Mango vs. Conventional Mango: Which is Better?

Organic Mango vs. Conventional Mango: Which is Better?

During my health coaching sessions many people ask me about mangos including which is better, organic mango vs conventional? Organic mangos are better because they are grown without fertilizers, pesticides, or fungicides. However, conventional mangos remain an excellent alternative because they have thick, fleshy skin and a hefty percentage of them have no pesticide residues. This…

Organic Flaxseed vs. Non-Organic Flaxseed: Which is Better?

Organic Flaxseed vs. Non-Organic Flaxseed: Which is Better?

According to the Flax Council of Canada, organic and non-organic flaxseeds may not be as different as you think. This may steer you to examine which is better, organic flaxseed vs. non-organic? Organic flaxseed is better than non-organic because of the lack of pesticides and harmful chemicals. While organic flaxseeds are the safer of the…

Organic Bananas vs. Regular Bananas: Which is Better?

Organic Bananas vs. Regular Bananas: Which is Better?

When discussing bananas one of the common questions is, are organic bananas better than regular bananas? Organic bananas are better than regular bananas because of the lack of pesticides and harmful chemicals. In addition, organic bananas retain a higher level of nutrients, like antioxidants. However, regular bananas represent an excellent alternative because they’re affordable, nutritious…

Organic Lentils vs. Conventional Lentils: Which is Better?

Organic Lentils vs. Conventional Lentils: Which is Better?

When choosing lentils, you’ll want to decide which is better and make the comparison, organic lentils vs. conventional. Organic lentils are better than conventional lentils because they are untreated with synthetic pesticides. Conventional lentils are often sprayed with chemicals like glyphosate (RoundUp), which may be harmful to human health. Glyphosate has been linked to numerous…

Free-Range Chicken vs. Grain-Fed Chicken: Which is Better?

Free-Range Chicken vs. Grain-Fed Chicken: Which is Better?

Two common labels found on chicken products is free-range or grain-fed, which one is better? Free-range chicken is better and can be healthier if raised properly. Since they mostly live outdoors, they can graze on grass or insects on top of their feed. The majority of chickens are grain-fed with assorted grains and either an…

Organic Spinach vs. Regular Spinach: What’s the Difference?

Organic Spinach vs. Regular Spinach: What’s the Difference?

As a Certified Health Coach many people ask me about the difference between organic and regular spinach. Organic spinach is produced using farming methods that promote and protect the environment, recycle resources, and limit the use of pesticides and fertilizers. In general, spinach is very healthy, but regular spinach ranks high in the list of…

Is Organic Chicken Free Range?

Is Organic Chicken Free Range?

Organic and free-range are popular terms we see in labels, but does organic mean free-range when it comes to chicken? Organic chicken doesn’t mean it’s free-range. Organic refers to the raising standards for chickens where no synthetic chemicals are used, while free-range refers to their access to the outdoors. From a regulatory perspective, chickens need…

Pomegranate or Beet Juice: An in-depth Comparison

Pomegranate or Beet Juice: An in-depth Comparison

As a Certified Health Coach many of my clients ask about pomegranate and beet juice. One of the questions asked is, how do they compare? Both Pomegranate and Beet juice are known to help with blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. Beetroot produces Nitric Oxide which has multiple benefits for people. This includes lower blood…

Frozen Salmon vs. Canned Salmon: Which is Healthier?

Frozen Salmon vs. Canned Salmon: Which is Healthier?

Many of my Health Coaching clients ask me about healthy foods including salmon. They know I eat it a few times per week. There seems to be a lot of contradictory information regarding the nutritional value of canned versus frozen products like salmon. Canned and frozen salmon are equally healthy. Canned and frozen salmon have…