5 Best Alternatives for Pomegranate in Salad

5 Best Alternatives for Pomegranate in Salad

As a Certified Health Coach I’ve learned some people can’t eat pomegranate due to various reasons. The only solution is to get an alternative source of nutrients and flavor.  The best alternatives for pomegranate in salad include lemon, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and dried barberries. Like pomegranate, these alternatives are tasty, have as much nutritional value as…

10 Best Alternatives for Avocado in Sushi

10 Best Alternatives for Avocado in Sushi

During my health coaching sessions many people ask me about substituting certain foods like avocado. Fortunately, there are some avocado alternatives in sushi. The best alternatives for avocado in sushi include cucumber, hummus, garlic paste, cashew butter, salmon, edamame, eggs and pesto. More unique potential substitutes to consider include broccoli and chia seeds.  This article…